Seems like a lame marketing tool.
I don't know how this promotes the Gant brand; I guess constant exposure to the website by uploading your outfits in which people can comment how douchey you look.
You get free mp3s to apply to your outfits, which is worth as much as toilet paper.
Also, you've got to connect via facebook, letting know people that you actually care about how you look, which to some, is less than desirable.
I think they gave Brennan Woods @ thepursuitaesthetic.com some free stuff. Will I get some free stuff for posting about this? Probably not.
Oh, wait. I can get free mp3s to apply to my outfits. Woopie.
I kind of wish that brand marketing would take a chill pill. I feel that the less a brand tries to be cute about their marketing, the more I'm attracted to the brand. I can make my own decisions. I don't need to upload 'outfits' via facebook (I do that on blogger... pause). I was attracted to the Gant brand, until now. This is just lame. My money will be taken elsewhere.