Monday, July 27, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
School Ties
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wolf in sheep's fur aka jeans to jhorts
Friday, July 17, 2009
White ball caps
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Warped Tour
The Scranton Warped Tour was a success besides taking my brother’s Lil’ Wayne ticket instead of my own. The ticket sales people were nice enough to make a copy for me at the gate.
Bands I saw:
Hit The Lights
Escape The Fate (they’re bad, hungover, and still drinking)
The Devil Wears Prada
Dance Gavin Dance
A Skylit Drive
Black Out (horrid band, not sure why they’re signed)
Gallows (lead singer above, great performance, one of the best of the day)
Attack Attack! (not sure what they were doing, not a good show at all)
Sing It Loud
The Maine
A Day To Remember
It was a good day, I was short $40, and tired, but that fulfilled feeling stayed in my chest for the ride home. If you don’t like the music I listen to, that’s a good thing, you probably have good taste.
Parting word: If you actually like good music, unlike me, you should check out Alex Metric. Unlike most crappy electro, made by artists who don't understand melody and think a primitive jungle beat will keep people happy, Alex Metric understands that music must follow Mozart's guidelines.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My meals during the summer are a bit of a mish-mash when the rentals aren’t home. However, my favorite is easily this: eggs scrambled with veggies, cheese, and sour cream, whole wheat toast from the amish with jam, and a diet coke with a crazy straw. It’s great for after those long runs, training for cross country season, and generally tastes like summer to me (don’t over do the diet coke or you’ll get fizzy burps, gross!). This is a nice light meal that happens to have protein, great for me since I’m a type 1 diabetic, and no need for dessert since the jam is plenty sweet.
Parting words: I have stumbled upon two moleskin posts.
One here: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2009/02/24/122-moleskine-notebooks/
For pretentious people (like me), moleskins are something to remember your thoughts by. They’re for that art project you will never start, that band you will never conceive, and that blog that you constantly update like a girl updates her facebook relationship status. I will admit, I’m a bandwagon hopper. I got mine this winter and only used it for a english class until a few weeks ago when I saw the blog by Glenn O’Brien. I have started to fill it’s pages with blog notes and ideas for the comic book that I’ve only complete four pages for. Commendable? No. Reccomendable? Yes. I will admit, they’re nothing better than a regular notebook but really folks, a moleskin does have that authentic appeal to it and excellent binding. However, if you’re trying to send a message to other people by carrying one, stop. Carrying a moleskin says nothing about you besides that you read blogs and are a bit of an artsy hipster snob. I guess that means me too, huh. So what have we learned? Carrying a moleskin if you actually write down thoughts in it, because then it doesn’t matter what it says about you. It just matters that it gets the job done.
Monday, July 13, 2009

With this being my first ‘blog’, I would like to introduce myself to my zero readers. I’m John Lugg. I graduated from Western Reserve Academy this spring and I will be attending Juniata College this fall. I enjoy comics, cartoons, music, drumming, movies, and clothes; and will be subsequently blogging about them. That being said I would like to tell you about something.
Now that The Dark Knight craze has finally died down, I feel that it is safe to blog about Batman; Batman: The Animated Series that is. I watched this often as toddler and thought that Batman was the most badass thing ever, even more than the Power Rangers which is quite a feat. Now, I have gotten hold of all the episodes and will be finishing every single one sometime this summer, but having just watched a dozen or so I would like to endorse at least watching a few. First, the only cars used in the cartoon are based off of cars from the 1930s through the early 1940s. This is adds to the gangster feel to the series which comes off a lot heavier than you would expect from a children’s series. No one wears t-shirts. Most everyone wears a coat and tie which makes for one classy cartoon (if you’re watching episode 12, look for the guy in the purple suit, red shirt, and purple tie, he’s a dandy). There are a few cheesy lines but hey, what cartoon doesn’t have that and if I remember correctly, Batman Begins has quite a few. The artist draw everything on a black background making for a dark feel to the cartoon, which turned out really grim and gloomy, perfect for the character’s being portrayed. Thankfully, the writers decided that Batman doesn’t need much comic relief, besides the Joker and other’s from Gotham’s rogue gallery. This is not Spiderman: The Animated Series mind you. I’m sure those who already read comic books have already seen a couple episodes so they don’t need convincing that this is worth checking out but this is a fantastic series and a good introduction to the Batman character to those who’ve only seen the Batman movies.
I'm headed to Warped Tour Wednesday. I like bad music.
Parting words: I have begun to try to sleep with my mouth closed in an attempt to ward off facehuggers. I doubt this would actually help me very much but I can only hope. I would advise for you to do the same. It's been 5 years and I'm still terrified from Alien.
- The Enthusiast