This is like 75 cents. Problem solved. If he wants something he'll probably just buy it for himself anyway.

Everybody likes comic books. Hellboy is pretty good. It's fast to read and you can re-read it a few times a year without getting bored. Mignola is a master.

Toilet paper is not very exciting to unwrap. However, he'll probably use it more than a pair of Aldens. You poop every day (and if you're civilized, you wipe; unless he's sprezzy, then definitely not). You're supposed to rotate your shoes so he won't wear those shoes every day.

Crisis On Infinite Earths is great. It sets up the entire DC Universe that we now... wait... Barry Allen is alive again? So is Hal Jordan? Never mind, this is a waste of money.

You can get the entire Bone compendium in paperback on sale for, like, $30. That's stupid cheap. It's enough comic book to last a long-ass flight.
Oh, you wanted some clothing recommendations?

Buy him some socks. He has too many fuckin' clothes anyway.
Merry Christmas.